Newsletter January 2011

Newsletter January 2011

Newsletter January 2011

Dear Members

 I would like to start this newsletter by wishing you all a Happy New Year. I hope that Christmas wasn’t too stressful and that you could get at least a small amount of time to relax.

 We all say how quickly time flies and I can’t believe it is 12 months since Pat and I were sitting pondering, writing and rewriting the Club’s grant application. Now we are back doing the same as we put together our summary to submit to Awards For All on the benefits, how and what we have used the money for.

 I hope you all feel the Club has benefited from the Grant. The money we received has enabled us to have additional demonstrators and allowed them to spend more on their flower allowance to provide more and better quality arrangements for us. We have been able to have two Club trips this year to Littlethorpe and Arley Hall. We could also provide two club workshops where floral foam and some mechanics could be provided. All of which I hope have provided members with a greater understanding of the art of flower arranging and the flowers and foliage which make up such a vital part of the arrangements.

 The club has also been able to move into the modern era as the money allowed us to buy a screen to show photos of our club activities and to upgrade our sound system. Now we even have our own Club Website. Log onto www. and have a look.

 The Grant has also meant we could reach out into the Community with Workshops at the Thornbury Centre, Bankfoot Partnership and Bolton Villas Church for people new to flower arranging and to allow participants to take home a small arrangement. We were also able to support St Peters Church in Allerton with the Flower Festival. All these activities helped raise over £600 for local charities. I would like to give a special thankyou to all the Club members who helped and supported these events especially all our workshop ‘leads’. You were all very brave to stand up and produce such lovely arrangements and I hope you are all proud of your accomplishments. What brilliant feedback you all got!!

Lastly and importantly the grant has also meant we were able to maintain our membership fees at £27 for this year. A price I hope you feel is still affordable in these times of cut backs, redundancies etc.
Yvonne Coppin

Club and Members’ News
It was lovely to announce at the November Guest Evening that Norma Dobney had accepted the invitation to become an Honorary Member of Bradford Flower Club and to present her with a certificate and flowers. It was 20 years since this had happened in the Club when Muriel Spencer Wilcox was presented with her certificate.

Eileen Barraclough continues to win many awards as she enters her many competitions and it was really pleasing to hear that she has passed her judges test in November. Congratulations to you Eileen from all in the Club.

Annual Dinner
Our Annual Dinner and Flower Demonstration will be held on 7th March 2011.  Once again we will be holding this at the Ramada Jarvis Hotel, Bingley at a cost of £24 with a choice of menu. The meal will be followed by a Demonstration by Elizabeth Helliker with her ‘Bird from Paradise’. So from this title I guess we are in for some special flowers.

We hope as many members, partners and guests will be able to join us. Please make sure you have collected your letter and menu from Vivienne.

As in previous years donations to the raffle will be gratefully received thank you.

Club News
Last year unfortunately we had to report that many members and their partners suffered with illness, hospital appointments and operations. It is with sadness that we report that Tom Clayton died peacefully on Christmas Day.

Let’s hope this coming year we all keep healthy.

We always like to hear news from members so please keep your committee up to date with your successes, illness, news etc, so that we can keep up to date in touch where necessary.

The North East Area AGM on the 20th November was once again held at Queen Elizabeth Grammar School. It really is a lovely day out for members. AT the AGM itself in the morning reports were given by representatives from the many sections of NAFAS. These were very interesting and informative. Following lunch Eileen and Susan Fairhurst presented a fabulous afternoon Demonstration with their title ‘Simply Christmas’. What a sight the stage was at the end of their demonstration I hope you were able to see a few photos of their work at the December Club Night.

The weather brought some disappointment to us all as the Flower Festival at Shibden Hall had to be cancelled. It is hoped to rearrange for the spring. I am pleased to say we are able to move the coach booking to the new date when it is announced and so we have not lost any money on the booking. Well done and a big thank you to Pat for her negotiating skills.

Christmas Demonstration and ‘Fuddle’
This year’s event far out passed 2009. Thankyou to everyone who joined in to help make this a huge success. Special thanks much go to those who gave help to set out the food and of course all those who ‘dressed for the occasion’ – you were brilliant.

We are at that time of year once again when we need to decide where to go for our club outing/s.

We shall, of course be going to Shibden Hall for the Area event which unfortunately was cancelled in December due to the bad snow.  Please let the Committee know of any places that you think will be of interest to members. Over the last few years we have had some super outings so where to this year??

If someone could be in charge of the weather and the temperature that would also be a great help!!!!!

Notice Board
Remember to have a look at our notice board in the entrance hall. Here we will provide further information on the above calendar and firm up on dates. Area news and minutes will also be posted on the board along with other items of interest.

Sales Table
Our sales table continues to be popular and Sally and Wendy have worked hard to make interesting displays throughout the year. Our Christmas table was particularly colourful. Please take time to look at the table at our Club Meetings and take advantage of subsidised prices as sales help support club funds.  As well as flowers you can also purchase oasis and containers and many other objects to help with your mechanics. Please ask Sally, Wendy or Joyce if you can’t find anything you are looking for, you need any advice or if you would like them to obtain anything specific for you.

Photo Competition
I hope you were all able to view the selection of photographs on display at our December meeting. It was we believe the first time the Club has run such a competition. Wasn’t there some wonderful shots! Congratulations to Betty Denton and Pauline Lowes who gained firsts and Pat Rhodes with her two seconds.

Committee News
There are only seven months to go before it’s the Club’s AGM once again. My two years as your Chair will be up and we have no Vice Chair in position. All the remaining Committee members have also served longer than the Club’s constitution states. We desperately need members to put themselves forward to stand on the Committee. If anyone is interested and feels they could give a small amount of time to the club could you please have a word with any Committee Member. You will not be thrown in at the deep end nor left without any help and support.

This year due to funding from the Lottery Grant we were able to hold five very successful workshops. Two were for Club members. The first led by John and Bet Wareing and the second by Pat Wiley. We had three workshops for people of the community, the aim being to open up the world of flower arranging to none members. Four of our own members put themselves forward to lead these wonderful workshops. So a big thank you is due to Sally, Wendy, Shirley and Sheila for their time and inspirations. As a result new members have been attracted to the club and we managed to raise £225 for local charities.

The New Website
As mentioned above the Club now has its own website. For those with a computer please log onto and have a read. Or just type Bradford Flower Club into Google. For those without a computer the library will ‘log you on’ if you ask them. If anyone has any more detailed information on the history of the club, when and where it used to meet or any other significant points of interest could you let Yvonne know so that it can be added to the site.

May Guest Evening
We are planning to hold a cake stall at this meeting to raise funds for the Lord Mayor’s Appeal. Any contributions would be most welcome. Thankyou

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