October 2011 Club Meeting
1 In Attendance – there were 78 members in attendance and 21 guests.
2 In the absence of the Chair, Gwyneth Priestley chaired the meeting and extended a warm welcome to members, guests and anyone attending the meeting for the first time. Members from Steeton Flower Club and Spen Valley Flower Club were also warmly welcomed.
Gwyneth was pleased to advise that the Lord Mayor, Councillor Naveeda Ikram has agreen to be our patron but unfortunately was unable to attend. She hopes to join us for our Christmas demonstration in December. However a special welcome was given to the Deputy Lord Mayor, Valerie Slater who was representing the Lord Mayor on this occasion.
Yvonne had sent a big thank you to Gwyneth for chairing the meeting as hopefully she will be recovering from a weekend rallying on the glorious island of Mull off the west coast of Scotland. She was very disappointed to be missing the evening as she anticipated a fabulous night.
3 The Chair made the following announcements:
Health and Safety
Members were asked to familiarise themselves with the fire regulations which are on display in the reception area.
- In case of emergency our exits are the two doors at the front and one at the back that leads into the car park.
- Our first aider tonight is Sue Hawkins
- Mobile phones to be switched off so as not to distract the meeting and affect our PA system.
Workshop – Some places are remaining for the workshop on 12 November at St Martyrs Church in Heights Lane led by Muriel. This will start at 10.30am as Brownies are having a sleep over on Friday night. Members were asked to take a packed lunch – tea and coffee will be available throughout the day. A clip board was circulated and members asked to make sure their contact details were given to Sally to pass on to Muriel so she could post out an instruction leaflet.
Photographic Competition – photos to be handed in tonight.
Calendars and Diaries – Orders for calendars and diaries to be given to Jean as this was the last chance to order. 4 copies of the recent issue of Flower Arranger had been sent by our Area Chair – purchase price £2 for anyone who does not received this on a regular basis.
National/Area News
The Chair hoped that members who attended the NAFAS National Show in Torquay from 22-24 September had enjoyed their visit. The Chair was proud to announce that Eileen Barraclough won a Highly Commended. Well done to Eileen.
Next Year the National Show is being held in Southport which will be much nearer for us to attend.
The NAFAS AGM was on 12 October at Shrewsbury.
On Tuesday 18 October Jonathan Mosely is giving a special evening demonstration for club members at Country Baskets. Norma has the last 2 tickets – cost £4.
The Area AGM is on 19 November at Queen Elizabeth Grammar School Wakefield. The AGM is followed by a luncheon and a demonstration by Vanessa Wellock. Tickets for the lunch and demonstration are £12. The AGM is free.
Area Council meeting was on Saturday 15 October.
4 Club Minutes – minutes for September and October will be on the notice board at the next meeting.
5 Flower Market – the chair announced that the flower market has moved. It is now located higher up Wakefield Road. The market will now sell floral foam.
6 Demonstrator – The Chair extended a warm welcome to Jonathan Moseley with his title ‘Festooned with Flowers’. This was a fabulous demonstration with lovely flowers.
7 Vote of Thanks – Margaret Holmes gave the vote of thanks.
8 Flower Pick was done by Jonathan Mosely.
9 The chair thanked the meeting for their attendance. The next meeting is on the 21 November with Andrew Mason and his title ‘Dreaming of a White Christmas’. Members were reminded that the registration fee includes refreshments which are available in the tea room and hoped that members and guests would partake.
Members were wished a safe journey home.
The demonstration finished at 9.20pm.